Quote tigerman1+1="tigerman1+1"If ever a post was written to incite a vicious response here it is folks, and this is the bile we have to put up with, please mods can we have some policing of the crud even if it means I have to take a holiday too, but to have this type of provocation is completely out of order, for some reason dedhedl cannot accept I cannot stand the bloke, ive had PM,s from this slug and never complained before but feel this is now beginning to look like a simple case of abuse and want it sorting please. oh and I expect if I am banned others follow.........and please don’t think I am the provocateur of all threads, I posted a civil question on the wakfeld site concerning the capacity of their proposed ground, and was slated by one of their mods.... :roll:

If you read some of your own posts you may understand why.
tigerman1+1 wrote: what crowd capacity is the stadium going to be???????????
Bigal1 replied.
Not very good at it are you, thats poor even for you mate.
Hardly a slating is it, did i call you silly names or abuse you, no i thought not mate