Quote nantwichexile="nantwichexile"Who's rattled your cage ? Ask me nicely and I MIGHT do

( actually it's more a case of why sign Kirke when you have the superior and younger Ambler; Lleuali when you have the superior and younger Amor; Webb when you have the superior and younger BJB ...and finally effectively swap Llauititi out of the squad for the inferior - yet with no age advantage - Moore ? )'"
Is it a possiblility. that this is all about the ability to have a few shocking games?
Amor, and Ambler. Two young lads. IF, IF, they have a game against say Wakey, and they get smashed to pieces by say... Korky.
What does that do to their confidence? Do they shy away from serious confrontation for a while? Do they need some confidence putting back by playing in the Academy again for a bit? Do they need taking off to let an old bugger take the heat off?
The olduns, they can have a stinker and it doesn't phase them. Temperament, and durability of resolve. Something the younguns learn from them.
BJB? Well, we saw what happened to Mathers when he had a few poor games, and Smith. Confidence suffers, performance suffers. But they had one of the Wigan greats to mop up for them, and bring them on.
God forbid we had all the eggs in the basket of youth and they turned out not to be of sufficient quality.
No, old dogs and young pups, blended together.
Every time.