Sat 23rd
Toulouse XIII -v- Keighley Cougars = 1217
Hunslet Hawks -v- London Skolars = 414
North Wales -v- South Wales = 343
Coventry Bears -v- ORL = 253 (5 ORL Fans
Sun 24th
Barrow Raiders -v- Rochdale Hornet's = 913
Newcastle Thunder -v- UoG All Golds = 482
York City Knights -v- Doncaster RLFC = Match Off
Total = 3622 That's a ave of 603 a match.
Sofar this season 2016
Total Matches (81) 64,351 that's a ave of 794
1, Toulouse XIII (08) total 13,070 ave = 1,633
2, Newcastle Thunder (08) total 9,168 ave = 1,145
3, Barrow Raiders (08) total 7,340 ave = 917
4, Keighley Cougars (07) total 4,584 ave = 654
5, Doncaster (07) total 4,357 ave = 621
6, York City Knights (07) total 4,159 ave = 594
7, Rochdale Hornet's (07) total 3,697 ave = 528
8, North Wales (08) total 3,737 ave = 467
9, Coventry Bears (08) total 3,653 ave = 456
10, Hunslet Hawks (08) total 3,611 ave = 451
11, London Skolars (07) total 2464 ave = 352
12, South Wales (07) total 2,202 ave = 314
13, ORL (07) total 1,427 ave = 203
14, UoG All Golds (07) total 1,081 ave = 154
15, Hemel Stags (07) total 875 ave = 145