Quote hindle xiii="hindle xiii"So I thought I'd throw in a bucket full of stats to shock and amaze the RAB collective; the first are Bulls v SL, the second are Bulls v Bulls.
Points for - 11th
Points against - 8th
Tackles - 5th
Missed tackles - 2nd
Tackle busts - 8th
Metres - 7th
Gain - =12th
Clean breaks - 11th
Dummy half runs - 1st
Errors - 6th
Goals - 6th
Missed goals - 13th (or 2nd best)
Offloads - 1st
Penalties - 9th (big improvement since earlier in the season)
Now the other bit
Year . W . D . L . Fr . Ag . +/- . Pos
2009 . 12 . 1 . 14 . 653 . 668 . -15 . 9
2010 . 9 . 1 . 17 . 528 . 728 . -200 . 10
2011 . 9 . 2 . 16 . 570 . 826 . -256 . 10
2012 . 14 . 1 . 12 . 633 . 756 . -123 . 9
2013 . 10 . 2 . 15 . 640 . 658 . -18 . 9
So in short our best defensive display since 14 teams and missing the play offs, and our 2nd best attack since ... signs of improvement. It just so happens many other teams really racked up the points it pushes us down the rankings. So work to be done in attack and some better defence and we'll be reet.
Just a little more to add to this post. Shows signs of improvement, which considering how late the squad was put together is amazing:
Points Scored: 640. Best since 2009
Points against: 658. Best since 2008
Points diff: -18. Best since 2009
Average for: 23 Best since 2009
Average against: 24 Best since 2008.