Quote Cronus="Cronus"Laziness...or the fact 99.5% of people, when asked who Wigan are playing, would answer 'St George'. Further, I despise the 'Warriors' tag and avoid using it wherever possible, and in the name of symmetry and balance have therefore shortened the name of St George Illawarra Steeler Dragons Rugby League Football Club to a similar length; that being two syllables.
Your anal pedantry knows no limits.'"
I wouldn’t worry too much about Phipps. He fancies himself as some sort of urbane critique. But, in reality, he’s just another sad, deluded, message board t[io[/isser.
Anyway, tb has the message board anal pedant tag pretty much sown up for himself. Phipps is a rank amateur by comparison.
Wigan V St George it is then.