Quote JB Down Under="JB Down Under" Damn these things called Facts for making CEO's look like they are clearly peddling other agendas!
As has been said before, Stats/FACTS can be used to suit any argument:
In 2010 a total of 3,149,927 fans, over 192 regular season games, attended the NRL. This gives an average of 16,406.
In 2010, there were 23 games of MNF.
In total, 296,703 fans walked through the gates for MNF at an average of 12,900 a game.
The remaining 2,853,224 fans split over 169 games gives an average of 16,883 a game
So, over the 2010 season, the general result is that you lose about 4,000 fans a game when it's played on a Monday. At $45 a ticket, this adds up over a season to over $4,000,000 in lost ticket sales...or just over $250k a club. If clubs work on residual sales (beer/shirts/food) etc being the same again, then it could be argued that Souths figure of $205,000 for one game isn't that far off the mark.
The biggest losers in 2010 were Brisbane (1gm/8,546), the Roosters(2gm/16,776) and the Dogs (1gm/6,686) with the Bunnies bing the biggest winners (2gm/5,098 Increase)
BTW....How come NthQld and the Warriors didn't play Monday night footie last year