Quote wire quin="wire quin"Ask McDermott, he seems to believe London have been given the least Penalties over the last few years and Catalans the most.'"
That doesn't mean the refs are biased.
Re the thread topic -
Hock shouldn't have abused the ref, Betts shouldn't have defended him in the way he did. Betts reaction merely confirms the existence of a wider problem prevalent in all levels of rugby league. That of unnecessary aggression. I'm all for aggression in play (at pro level) but in the form of a tackle or a run or even the occasional flare-up. But swearing at a ref at pro level is unnecessary, and there is a problem with excessive swearing from crowds and at major events there is a problem with drunken fans. Both also unnecessary.
The problems however are far worse at amateur level. The fights involving players or spectators, the swearing from players, coaches and spectators, the abuse of the ref from players, coaches and spectators, drunken spectators often other age groups or teams from the same club.
All unnecessary and all contribute to an atmosphere of aggression and intimidation.
I don't think the issues at pro level are THAT bad but we shouldn't get complacent over them. At amateur level it's just depressing.
As for Hock compared to Hartley, whilst it seems a big discrepancy between the 2 bans I don't think the 2 are that easily compared. As I understand it Hock swore at the ref whilst Hartley swore and, more importantly, called him a cheat. Whilst 11 weeks compared to 1 game seems a big difference, it was the end of Hartleys domestic season anyway so he's only missed whatever Lions games he may have been involved in.