Quote Early Bath="Early Bath":lol: Parish`s UK agent is back.
The needle needs changing lance as the record has stuck.
As soon as you realise we are better off without him, his moods, his preferences and his problems the better.'"
As Phil vievers is our current coach and we are about to start probably the most important season of salford city reds history its important we look forward from now on not back
But for 30 seconds...
I think we have a lot to thank Matt Parish for, he was only here for 6 months but in that time shook a few trees and a few coconuts fell out, with Parish and his "moods and preferences" we wouldnt have a "new feka" now we would still have a "lazy fat feka", I also feel we will see much fitter players this season because of his appointment of the conditioner bloke and his high standard pre season training plans, His signings look ok its only early in the season so we will given them time before we judge.
As a head coach it was his head on the chopping board, he would be the one who got the sack if it all went wrong, it sounded like he ruled with an iron fist and thats fair enough for me too many of our coaches try to be mates it should be " i am the coach, you are the player, do what i say and when it works come back to me and say im wrong".
Unless his "demands" would have bankrupt the club tomorrow then it was the right decition for both parties for him to leave.
He walked as he saw salford as a stepping stone to somthing better IN HIS TIME and wasnt willing to wait 5 years pick up his money for it until players who he didnt fancy went out of contract/left ect, winners want to win today not tomorrow
It shouldnt be a popularity contest being a salford city reds coach, he was a perfectionist a winner and if that means he was a pain in the bum to work with as long as he kept winning you deal with it
He in my eyes will remain the best salford coach we never had and will now be the yard still i measure all the salford coaches in the future, one day when Wilky sells up and the new people bring their own people in and he has done a bit in the NRL id like to think he might come back as then we will be in the situation he thought we were in when he 1st signed .
Back to present day
Im starting to be impressed with phil Vievers he seems more comfortable infront of the cameara, starting to talk the talk a little, the players are responding to him and he might be able to get that extra 10% out of them which will get them over the line and win
The Acid test will be when we lose and lose badly and how he wraps the performance up in a bow with
"well we tried today, it was one of them days, next week will be better im sure of it"
or will it be
"we were awful, shocking, players tried but collaped when we got in the arm wrestle, not having it...not happy"
As fans all we want is honesty both on and off the field, the club at the moment are doing fantastic things and i feel we are starting to turn the boat around a little performances on the field will dictate how far we turn it i surpose.
Anyway looking forward to Saturday will be interesting to see if the club not just the players, the coaching staff, the admin and us the fans can step up to the occation