Are King, Dufty and Ashton back from Vegas then?
Were these the culprits of the missed flight? Have they been dropped for disciplinary reasons?
WTF is it with King and aeroplanes?
Vaughan and Dufty missed the flight, Chambers and Kyle Leuluia ended up missing it too (presumably trying to get them on another flight)
Dufty made a fool of himself in Stockton heath whilst out on the Pi$$ with Vaughan and Fitzgibbon on the Friday (2 days before wakey game) i presume this is where the disciplinary issue came from.
Thanks for the info. I had hoped these days were behind us. I was hoping the players were taking their jet lag recovery seriously to put on a good show against Wakefield after the embarrassment in LV. Vaughan played against Wakefield so was obviously not dropped. Not bothered about sicknote having a beer as he rarely plays anyway.

And I hear we are planning a Wigan game in Dublin game for 2026. What could go wrong?