Quote Wembley71="Wembley71"You've not met Frankie

Seriously, though, this is all a storm in a teacup. If it's in the rules and they've claimed it, so what? isn't that like any other job?
My mate's missus gets sent all over the world with her job... the deal is they pay business class airfare, but she can choose to go economy and they'll pay for the rest of the family too. You might say if she's willing to go economy, why pay for the rest? but it's in the rules, so its OK. Don't see that splashed across the paper.
Now, if they'd been nicking money, that'd be different. But 'MP's keep to the rules' shock? Naah. Non-event.'"
I think that shows a lack of understanding of the public anger at this issue. The rules have been largely governed by MP's themselves and its clear they may have been so relaxed that MP's could get away with a lot that the public would find utterly unacceptable. MP's cant vote themselves a big pay rise they've tried to sneak around them by leaving expenses rules so vague and relaxed that they can get away with a hell of a lot.
Burnham is'nt exceptional in this, but he is'nt any better. MP's either thought it was utterly acceptable to do this, or they thought they could get away with it. Either way the whole thing stinks