Firstly, sorry for shouting.
I cannot believe the shambles that was the finale to our (admittedly dire) season. Actually, I guess it was entirely in keeping with the way this club has been run for many years but particularly, this year.
The silence from the Chairman or the CEO was deafening to say the least. Surely, one or both of them should have said a few words thanking the fans for sticking with the team through a difficult year and hoping to see them again the following year? It was appalling bad form for there to be nothing forthcoming from management....particularly as we still do not know where we will be playing next year.
The send off to our departing players was luke warm to say the least. Is it too much trouble for anyone to test out whether the PA system is working and they should have turned the damn music off whilst they were doing the award presentation...unbelieveable! Could barely hear a word that was said in our block. (How I miss Chris Warren). No words either from the coach and if Gower hadn't have won the award, he'd have been on his toes too.
As for all the stuff the club has failed to deliver to its ST season launch, not one of the 3 fans forums, and no meet the players event either. Furthermore, anyone can drink in the West stand bar so hardly worth paying the extra £76 pound for a Super Bronco ST.
What heappened to the pre-season fixture against a Cumbrian team? That was meant to be part of the Purdo test, iirc. Instead, all we get is the meaningless fixture against Skolars and a trip to France for those that could afford it.
Re Sponsors, its a wonder we get any at all. They didn't get their presentation night last year (only some half-hearted afterthought) and this year, iirc, they were promised a discount off the price of the awards dinner IF there was one! Luckily for the club, they've got an excuse not to have an awards night due to the team not delivering.
All of the above would be fair enough if we were some back street boozer team but hey, in case the powers that be have forgotten, we are in the Elite RL competition and all this stuff is simply not good enough. It makes us look like some mickey mouse outfit that is not deserving of its status, fans or its players.
We do get some things right....the bands (for the most part) have been very good and I've enjoyed being back in the West Stand (although we shouldn't have away fans in there,as has been the case for many games this season).
Come on Club...get things sorted for next season. At the moment, the patience of even the most loyal Broncos fans is being tested.