My favourite from a Wire fan is :
"A few things for us to remember;
1/ We are not as good as we think.
2/ Every team needs 2 half backs on the pitch at any 1 time.
3/ Our pack is too old.
4/ o Brien is our hb alomgside Briers.
5/ This hammering has been long overdue
6/ Anymore trips to Australia should be scrapped
7/ Hodgson's best years were at Huddersfiels, and yet, he is still 1 of our best playes.
8/ Westwood ( alongside Nat Woods) has been our best signinging in the last 20 years.
9/ We miss Louis Anderson......see number 8.
10/ Smith, by his record, will not be here next year.
11/ Catalans are a very under-rated team, and in Scott Dureau have ( Alongside Young Sam at Wigan) the best ball-playing-thinker in the game
12/ Bridge is a Hb and not a centre.
13/ Myler should be immediately given back to Widnes.
The team is going nowhere fast, and quickly becoming the Man City of RL."