And I am not speaking as a member of a group. I am speaking as someone who watches this forum and see time and time again as people, or groups are slated because of something they are, or they call themselves. It's beyond banter and into what has become a deliberate attempt at insult. I am sick to the back teeth of people using stereotypes to brand other people based on absolute claptrap. It's a sign of a complete lack of intelligence when you have to use someone elses opinion as your basis for judgement.
Quote tugglesf78="tugglesf78"A very close friend of mine lost his father at Valley parade when he was 5 years old
I tell you what though after listening to some of you (dare i say "younger") members on this thread'"
That would make me the same age as your very close friend.
And at no point did I ever say the fire was caused by Ultras, or even that an Ultras scene was present in Bradford. What I said is that when I was first shown that image 3 years ago in a fire safety awareness course in work the presenter asked me the question "What do you see when you look at this image". To which I replied, "Looks like a football match, i'd say hooligans invading a pitch". He then pressed play and showed the full extent of the fire. Now if i would've cropped that image to show just the front of that stand, and not said that it was the Bradford fire, i strongly doubt that any of you would've been any the wiser of what it was an image of, and would've drawn to the same conclusions. Is that my fault that you'd feel that guilt? The fact is, in proving my point, I put the image into context.
There are eye witness accounts from the other end of Hilsborough where they said that 'they thought it was a pitch invasion and got annoyed'...'until we saw the blood' does that make them sick and disgusting? No. Does it make them feel guilty that they thought that to start with? Yes.
Oh wait, now i've used Hilsborough as an example, i'll just have to go and stone myself wont I.
Now, I will not apologise for using the examples that I have used, in context they are harmless and they prove the point that I was making. If anyone cannot see that, then I am afraid that's their problem, and not mine. The Internet is a very powerful research tool, some should start using it to brighten their horizons.
I will not make another post on this forum. I'm through with the petty tripe that is repeatedly spouted here.