Quote Grimmy="Grimmy":lol: 2006 v now when everyone was fit:
FB Ashton v Sam
RW Calderwood v Charnley
RC Richards v Goulding - Remember, it was Richards' first season when he was poor
LC Vaealiki v Thornley/Gelling
LW Dallas v Richards - Dallas' last year before retiring
SO Orr v Green
SH Moran v Smith
P Logan v Flower
H Higham v McIlorum
P Paleaaesina v Mossop
SR Hock v Hansen - Hock's first year as a starter
SR Fletcher v Farrell
LF O'Loughlin (he's far better now than then)
S Brown v Hampshire (terrible year for Brown that saw him sold)
S Tickle v Tuson (same as Brown)
S Haegreaves v Crosby/Dudson
S Seuseu v Taylor
Not only is the team now collectively far better than then, it's almost exclusively better man for man. The only swap I'd make there would be Paleaaesina (of 06 form) over Mossop on current form. I reckon we would stick 80 past them if they played. Makes me laugh all this overreaction just because Huddersfield beat us. I remember watching us get beat 70-0 and 75-0 in consecutive weeks. If you had told me then that we would be second in the league with a cup final against mid table Hull FC in 2 weeks, and 6 of the team having won both a grand final and a challenge cup with us in the last 3 seasons, and that people would be complaining after we got beat by the top team during the regular season, I'd have laughed at you.'"
"lol", Let's repeat shall we for 1993 shall we? After all in 20 years surely we will have progressed.................?
FB Atcheson v Sam
RW Robinson v Charnley
RC Bell v Goulding
LC Connolly v Thornley/Gelling
LW Offiah v Richards
SO Botica v Green
SH Edwards v Smith
P Skerret v Flower
H Dermott v McIlorum
P Platt v Mossop
SR Betts v Hansen
SR Farrell v Farrell
LF Clarke vs O'Loughlin
S Panapa v Hampshire
S Lydon v Tuson
S Cowie v Crosby/Dudson
S Cassidy v Taylor
From an entertainment and class perspective, tell me again how the game has moved on in 20 years?