Quote RebelRebel="RebelRebel"Seriously... is training to the point of collapse/nausea really the best form of conditioning? We used to have a PE teacher who's catchphrase was "boy, I can make you run till you're physically sick"... and he could, and did... but it didn't make us run any faster/longer/better as a result. That may have been down to the cigs, though...'"
Training 'to failure' is an age old concept in bodybuilding and is aimed at stimulating new muscle growth; it's also a useful way to gauge progress and can indicate if you're training at the right intensity - for example, if you do two sets of ten repetitions of a particular exercise and in your third set, to failure, you manage 20 reps, it could indicate that the first two sets need to include more reps. The concept could well have been debunked in the years since I last lifted a weight heavier than the Sky remote, but that's how I understood it at the time.
I'm not sure of the benefits of [iaerobic[/i training to failure but I guess in crude terms, if you get used to pushing your body to its absolute limit in training, you might be more able to pull out that kind of effort in a game situation?
I'm sure jonh or The Clan will be along to correct me in short order!