with another excellent desicion by hull to make east stand all reserved, one can only say they have killed the atmosphere. i sit in south and east looked empty, it looked even worse on camera. also 12500 fans many walked out in south 10 mins to go,
even the dancers changed stands were they dance in front, now its the south stand,
the club is a joke, i have been a pass holder for years and we supporters give our all and spend our money,our money the club is only interested in. mr rule, the grade A, the best backroom staff, the admin staff the first class stadium and our 1 million £ merchandise turn over and you say we have the best supporters, YES YES YES YOU DO, BUT YOU HAVE A SH....T BOARD AND A SH....T COACH.
we keep our side of the bargain by still supporting the crap rugby agar insists on playing. get rid and get some who knows what they are doing, and KEEP YOUR SIDE OF THE BARGAIN.