Perhaps if the HDM could look at serious issues like i would start buying the rag again
1) The consequences of P&O's huge losses and how the sackings of many employees stacks alongside the continued sponsorship of a club in freefall.
2) The in depth investigation of why Hull fc took their sky money.
3) The repurcussions of not now being in the position for planned income from an unsuccesful challenge cup run in 2009.
4) Should Agar be sacked poll to enable Hull fc the chance to finish in a play off position and consequently earn some much needed income.
5) Have the massive signings of Reardon and Broughton bought the club periously close to the salary cap limit.
6) Paying the salaries of two overseas players for a third of the season who are no nearer entering the UK.
7) Investigatitve in depth journalism why the match day announcer has decided to leave his post.

Why the paid cheerleaders at Hull fc have been replaced with the free option mixed bag variety.
9) To conduct an in depth inquiry as to how much SMC actually charge Hull fc fot the use of the KC, the real reason behind this seasons Friday games and the chance to answer rumours that they will be allowed to revert to sunday games if City get relegated.
10) The final expense bill for the Oz jaunt for Kath and family in their very public failure in the Dobson affair.
etc, etc.
Cheap journalism and unstubstantiated tripe....but you get the drift and the interests of fairness surely a line the HDM should be pursuing.