Quote robsnan="robsnan"RIP Gary and all the other people who were killed in this terrible
shooting.Hope the ones in hospital pull through.How very very
sad,makes you realize what our country is turning into=#FF0000.Ban all
Do you really think that would prevent this sort of thing happening again?
This is what I posted on the "Sin Bin" in response to a similar comment:
I was waiting for this type of knee-jerk reaction to appear.
I hold both a Firearms Certificate and a Shotgun Certificate. I own 2 shotguns which are used for Clay Pigeon Shooting and a .22 Rifle with telescopic sights and a moderator which I use at my club for competition target shooting. I take gun ownership extremely seriously as does everyone I know in the shooting community.
My guns are kept in an extremely robust and secure gun safe which is secured to the wall by 4 large bolts and my house is protected by a fully monitored alarm system. In order to be allowed my licenses I was visited at my home by the police who interviewed me and inspected my home and security measures. I had to have a number of referees who had to vouch for my mental stability and that I didn't have drink or drug problems. I also had to permit the police access to my medical records. Both licenses have to be renewed every 5 years subject to the same scrutiny. I fail to see what more could be done. It's not legally held guns which are a problem generally as it's still relatively easy, I understand, to buy guns illegally.
I, like everyone else, am sickened by the events in Cumbria and my thoughts are with the families of the deceased but further draconian measures would not prevent this happening again.
I'm sure that The British Association for Shooting and Conservation will be helping the police in any way it can but in a rational and constructive way.