Quote Dick Jones="Dick Jones"Less then half I think, some have died, others have got married had kids and no longer can afford it, mostly a lot thought the club didnt need it anymore.'"
Wow - I think that would surprise a few people, although when I think about it more I suppose it is not all that surprising. It goes back to that complacency factor - people thought AT woulkd pick up the slack. Now it is back to us.
Although the question was asked "why do you ask"? I think it is a very valid question and also a marketing opportunity. I suggest we publicize the number of LISA members today vs an estimate of what it has been at its peak, explain how much the missing people could contribute to the club - set a target of total LISA members by a certain date and keep a running total of memberships and advertise them on here, on the LISA site, on the club site, even in the matchday program.
It is a classic fundraising model isn't it? I think some lapsed members, and maybe new people will realise they need to and can get involved..
When you talk about raising 120 grand from 2000 members for 60 quid a year you start to realise how mass involvement can work rather than waiting for a sugar daddy. Wrap it up in a trust if you want, the key is to get the money in...