Quote NSmart96="NSmart96" If im right in saying Bilko posted on twitter we have a 17 days to recover for Warrington, which is on a Monday. So that gives the players who arent playing internationally and the ones who are enough time to recover.'"
We do. Week off for England v Exiles then we play Monday so we kind of skip two weekends.
Speaking of next week, whilst at the game today for Wish FM, I was on Yorkshire Radio for 5 minutes pre match for a chat with them. Off air I mentioned next Friday and how we didn't fancy that pitch last season and how it'll be interesting to see how we go about it this time. Brett Ferres off Huddersfield was their summariser and was saying that the ipitch is tough on the body (especially in recovery) and it's not particularly good if you've got a bad knee.
Funny thing is, when you look back at that team last year now, it doesn't look that weak!
Matt Russell, Anthony Gelling, Darrell Goulding, Jack Hughes, Josh Charnley, Brett Finch, Joe Mellor
Jeff Lima, Mike McIlorum, Lee Mossop, Harrison Hansen, Gareth Hock, Chris Tuson
Bench: Eric Lauaki, Ben Flower, Logan Tomkins, Tom Spencer
Being blunt about it, that team should of won last year from a position of 36-18 up, but Widnes (particularly at home) are a much better side this time round. I'd be delighted if he sat Sam out and gave Ryan Hampshire a run at full back though!